Even if I re-suggested the wiki based documentation, I think it's important to be extra careful on how it's used. One thing I personally hate is projects whose documentation is basically wiki-based, and what you end having is a disconnected set of tips, many out of date, of how to do this and that. It could be OK it it's labeled 'Tipi-wiki' but not 'Documentation' :).
I agree - the wiki shouldn't *replace* the documentation, but the reality is I have loads of bookmarks of blog posts and discussions on the mailing list, and it'd be nice if I could to go one place to find all that type of info. A "recipe" or "cookbook" wiki might be all we need, with the ability to comment on each. The Activestate Python Cookbook is kinda what I'm thinking about: http://code.activestate.com/recipes/langs/python/
Alternatively, a separate doc repo with sphinx based doc could be built so that it will allow for collaborative development making clear that is a work in progress and a product with 'releases'. I say a different repo to avoid having to give commit access to code for people who are working on doc, maybe same repo with different permissions would be better. And I suggest sphinx to a) start from scratch and add existing doc as we see it's relevant, b) have a more flexible base than HTML docs, and for the reasons mentioned by Kevin (plus I want to learn it :P).
I haven't yet looked at lore or sphinx, but is there a way to support sphinx via lore? Reza -- Reza Lotun +44 (0)7521 310 763 rlotun@gmail.com