On Jul 31, 2009, at 1:11 PM, Jean-Paul Calderone wrote:
As a staging area for development of future core docs, I think I would recommend using a version control system (perhaps a distributed one), not a wiki.
What I was suggesting originally was that a wiki would be a staging ground for those core docs. IMO, traditional version control is not generally well-suited for collaborative document development. I guess what I'm thinking is, no one likes writing docs, so when we have to good fortune to encounter someone who does, let's make it as easy as possible.
As something intended to be user-facing, I don't think it's a great idea. Of course, there *is* a wiki hosted on the website already... And it has some documentation on it... So what's being proposed, exactly? :)
True. I guess there's only two considerations. 1. Using the current Trac installation for a user-edited wiki might convey that the contents are endorsed by Twisted proper. 2. Although I've become fairly used to it, Trac's wiki isn't the greatest, and more importantly, Trac itself sometimes seems to be held together with bubble gum and scotch tape. -phil