On Apr 27, 2015, at 9:12 PM, Eeshan Garg <jerryguitarist@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello, Glyph! :-)
My initial suggestion - don't take this too authoritatively, I'd be happy for input from anyone else - would be that the next step would be to simply identify a module that has some interesting log events, make a ticket for logging them using the new system, and then write a patch for that ticket.
There is a possibility that I misunderstood what you had actually meant, but I assure you that I was not being or even trying to be authoritative,
I just meant don't take my comments too authoritatively :-).
One more thing I would like to say, when I said "advice and guidance regarding this" below:
Sounds like good advice.
Good luck, and feel free to keep asking questions,
And I just meant "it sounds like HawkOwl and adiroiban gave you good advice by telling you to ask for advice on the mailing list" :-). Hope that's clearer, -g