Awesome, thanks for adding to the list. :) Now that there are two items on it, I've added a section to the end of <http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/wiki/TwistedWebPlan>. I encourage anyone with interest in this area to suggest more items for this list.
Does nobody care about web2's rational separation of Request and Response objects, or the use of header dictionaries and ByteStreams in the response? The approach used in web (render() returning a string or a 'NOT_DONE_YET' and then writing through the request and calling finish() IIRC) is clunky and confusing. Is there a way to backport the web2 system and retain backward compatibility with existing user code? Unaware of web2 until recently, I previously subclassed web.http and web.server to implement upload streaming, and found myself rewriting 'private' methods. 'private' in this case refers to methods that are commented as 'not intended for users'. It would be nice to expose many of the request parsing methods to users, and restructure the request parsing so that method overriding can be done cleanly. This is similar to, but maybe more ambitious than, one of the items previously mentioned in the web2 features-to-backport list. -- dkeeney@travelbyroad.net Rdbhost -> SQL databases as a webservice [www.rdbhost.com]