Since this kind of fell to slumber: I'm upping my ante to $100 however many coins that gives me.

Sent from my phone.

Am 20.06.2016 um 18:33 schrieb Kevin Horn <>:

I haven't been very active in a while, but:

a) this is a really cool idea
b) I'd really like one of these for myself

So, sign me up for 5 coins.  I might be willing to up that to 10 if it makes a difference in this happening or not.

On Wed, Jun 15, 2016 at 12:20 PM, lvh <> wrote:

> On Jun 14, 2016, at 8:44 PM, Ashwini Oruganti <> wrote:
> Hello!
> We are planning to get us some challenge coins, which is exciting! You should also be excited with us because this means:
> - we can now give it out to contributors at sprints and meetups.
> - challenge coins are awesome.
> Each coin costs about $6, and the minimum order is 100 coins. Glyph thinks everyone should have some to give out as tokens of appreciation to other contributors, and glyph's thoughts are usually worth following.

5 seems like the number, but we’ll see if we get up to the required minimum order :)


> So, if you are a Twisted contributor and would like to own a challenge coin, please respond to this email. Also, do mention how many coins you would like, and where you are located so that we can send you your coin(s).
> -ashfall
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Kevin Horn
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