Hello, The server that hosts twistedmatrix.com will be down for maintenance on Wednesday July 18th. Our hosting company, Tummy.com, will be increasing the size of the /boot partition to accommodate the larger kernels typical of modern Linux distributions. This requires a full reload of all partitions' data. The downtime is expected to be 24 hours, or through Thursday, July 19th. During the downtime no twistedmatrix.com sites will be available. Because Trac will be down, no pull requests should be merged between July 18th and 19th. Twisted's documentation will be inaccessible during that time as well. Note that this is the minimum maintenance necessary to keep twistedmatrix.com running. We need money to realize improvements to our infrastructure, like newer hardware for the existing server and additional hosts that could continue to serve twistedmatrix.com during a maintenance window. Tax-deductible donations can be made to Twisted via the Software Freedom Conservancy. More information is available here: https://twistedmatrix.com/trac/wiki/TwistedSoftwareFoundation#HowtoDonate -- Mark Williams mrw@enotuniq.org