Hello, world! I'm very happy to be using Twisted again -- after a break of about 20 years! In ol' days I did mailing lists in Twisted, implemented Dovecot AUTH protocol in Twisted and a lot more. Mostly it was mail related. A lot have been forgotten and have to be re-discovered. A couple of words about use-case: I was curious about what could be achieved using the filtering facility in the OpenSMTPD MTA. The filters are programs which are executed by the daemon, and some data is exchanged on stdin/stdout using non-blocking fashion. More at https://man.openbsd.org/smtpd-filters I tried getting Python asyncio to work at first, even using aioconsole package, but I kept hitting something which made the thing break after handshake exchange. This evening I did a rewrite in Twisted, it took me a couple of hours, but the was running on the first try! Thanks for all the fish! -- Kirill