On Sep 20, 2004, at 12:40 AM, Glyph Lefkowitz wrote:
Let's try to figure out which web server we are supporting and then actually support it, rather than having 9 different half-assed, half-supported implementations floating around.
Well, certainly nobody who wrote the original twisted.web code is supporting it, but that doesn't mean it's unusable. On the contrary, it's very usable, and there are probably lots and lots of applications which depend on all sorts of subtle and broken semantics it uses (people being far more interested in developing web related things than finger related things). I don't see any sane way to perform a complete rewrite with better semantics while still living in the old twisted.web namespace, especially given the miniscule amount of time most of the major developers of this project have to put against it. Developing backwards compatibility with the old APIs would be a death march, would never quite work anyway, and wouldn't really benefit anyone in particular. We already figured out which web server we ("we" being those developers who actually care about the web) are going to be supporting. twisted.web2. web should have a deprecation warning in __init__ for a release, and then should be terminated with extreme prejudice. As far as the nevow dependency, I have already suggested to James that twisted.web2 should work without it, but he didn't feel it was worth the effort. If it is worth the effort to someone else, I suggest they do it. My suggestion is simply not to have pages like directory listings and traceback renderings, but to have simple string templates which are returned in the case of nevow not being installed. This way you can use web2 with no dependencies to do a completely custom web server, but you're not going to get much out of the box. dp