On Wed, Nov 27, 2013, at 19:20, exarkun@twistedmatrix.com wrote:
On 06:00 pm, peter.westlake@pobox.com wrote: ...
class Runner(service.Service): def __init__(self, baton): self.baton = baton
def startService(self): print 'startService', self.name, reactor.running self.baton.addCallback(lambda ignore:deferLater(reactor, 1.0, self.realStartService)) self.baton.addErrback(report)
I'd be concerned with the state of `Runner` at this point in the process.
What happens if the application gets shut down while that `deferLater` is still pending?
`stopService` has a harder job because it might need to deal with a service that is partially initialized or a service that is completely initialized (and "partially initialized" may cover a multitude of different states depending on the complexity of your service).
What about something like this instead?
@implementer(IService) class Runner(object): ... @classmethod def loadFromWhatever(cls, name): return deferLater(reactor, Runner, name)
def __init__(self, name): self.name = name
def startService(self): self.running = True print 'realStartService', self.name, reactor.running
def parent(service): application.setServiceParent(service)
loading = Runner.initializeFromWhatever("foo") loading.addCallback(parent) loading.addCallback(lambda ignored: Runner.initializeFromWhatever("bar")) loading.addCallback(parent) loading.addErrback(stopTheReactorOrWhatever)
The advantage I see of this approach is that a `Runner` never exists in the service hierarchy until it is fully initialized, started, and running.
If a `Runner` is only partially ready and the process shuts down then its `stopService` method isn't called because it's not part of the service hierarchy.
I'll do that, thank you! Could the documentation for Service say something about which methods can be called when? For instance, it would never have occurred to me that setServiceParent could be called after control had passed out of the .tac file and the reactor had started running. I see from the source that it calls startService, but this is definitely the sort of non-obvious tip that it would be helpful to have written down. Likewise the fact that startService normally runs before the reactor starts. Out of interest, was there a reason for not making Runner a subclass of Service? There are some methods of IService that this version doesn't implement.
I could definitely imagine a library to help with this kind of thing. For example, perhaps you want the above encapsulated as:
asynchronouslySetUpServices(application, [ lambda: Runner.initializeFromWhatever("foo"), lambda: Runner.initialifrFromWhatever("bar")])
And maybe then you want to add in some logic so that if the application gets shut down while some things are still being initialized then you cancel their Deferred. Then you have good cleanup support for the uninitialized case - without complicating `stopService` (the cleanup logic is isolated in the implementation of Deferred cancellation where it belongs - eg, with this `deferLater`-based asynchronousness it's alreay present since deferLater implements cancellation already).
I'll add it to my list of things to do one of these years :-) Would you like to put in a ticket with a spec? Thanks for the help, Peter.