Hi !
I've thrown together some tarballs with my latest release automation code. You can download them here:
Thanks for doing this.
Please download the packages relevant to you and give them a test. You'll need to install Twisted-2.0.0a1 before any of the other subproject packages in there, and it depends on zope.interface being installed, which I haven't bothered including yet.
Some remarks: - I've tested on Fedora Core 3. trial gives me one failure and one error; relevant output attached. - The split FAQ led me to believe there would be one Twisted package as before; which would contain everything as before. Core would be in a TwistedCore package. The tarballs on your site seem to have Core in the Twisted tarball. Is that intentional ? - I wonder why the naming of tarballs is the way it is. For example, the URL will be .../twisted/web, the import package is twisted.web, why is the tarball TwistedWeb-(version).tar.bz2 ? - As a general request on behalf of packagers, it's nice to not have anything but digits in version numbers. I know this is probably a contented point of view. I'll report some more when I managed to package it up (or wrest RPM's from Jeff's hands) and have been able to use them against some of our tests. Thanks Thomas Dave/Dina : future TV today ! - http://www.davedina.org/ <-*- thomas (dot) apestaart (dot) org -*-> When you're on the outside baby and you can't get in I will show you you're so much better than you know <-*- thomas (at) apestaart (dot) org -*-> URGent, best radio on the net - 24/7 ! - http://urgent.fm/