Thanks Nacim: I had found the supported ciphers. However, I'm unclear as to how to present a subclassed SSHTransport to the SFTPServer. (And, once I understand how I will issue a documentation bug with details...) --Ray ----- Original Message -----
From: "Flint" <grindizer@gmail.com> To: "Ray Cote" <rgacote@appropriatesolutions.com>, "Twisted general discussion" <twisted-python@twistedmatrix.com> Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2013 5:39:44 AM Subject: Re: [Twisted-Python] Limiting cipher options for SSH/SFTP
I have not used it myself but this seems what you're looking for: http://twistedmatrix.com/documents/13.0.0/api/twisted.conch.ssh.transport.SS...
I guess you need to subclass SSHTransport and give it the list of ciphers you want.
2013/10/29 Ray Cote < rgacote@appropriatesolutions.com >
I need to limit the ciphers offered for an ssh/sftp connection.
class ESFTPServerForUnixConchUser(SFTPServerForUnixConchUser):
"""Main local proxy class for file transfer access.
Many methods are overriden to support file encryption and
encrypted file name mappings.
def __init__(self, avatar):
"""Initialize class with avatar representing user information"""
SFTPServerForUnixConchUser.__init__(self, avatar)
I'm unclear as to how to restrict which ciphers to use at this level.
Ray Cote, President Appropriate Solutions, Inc.
We Build Software
www.AppropriateSolutions.com 603.924.6079
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-- Ray Cote, President Appropriate Solutions, Inc. We Build Software www.AppropriateSolutions.com 603.924.6079