I'm trying to point out that *some* might find the system Python attractive because they can use OS-supplied python packages in lieu of the effort of setting up a binary build infrastructure.
So, I think everyone has a different perspective here; Hynek seems to be saying "all containers all the time" ;-). But from my perspective, linux distros provide a super useful service by providing a gigantic integrated build environment for TONS of C code. Avoiding the time and cost associated with setting up, i.e., an ImageMagick dev environment is _WELL_ worth the complexity of distro packages. Multiply this out by dozens of dependencies that a large application or site ends up needing, and distro packaging pays for itself many times over.
I’m not sure what you mean by me meaning “all containers all the time” I feel I should rephrase my point: - You should statically link your Python application so you have always full control over your deployments. - Don’t ship build tools to prod servers. The way we can achieve that is by building virtualenvs on build servers. *How* you get those virtualenvs to the deployments target I don’t care. Whether you pex them or not, I don’t care either¹. I’ve used .debs with great success in the past and I’m using Docker containers now (and so far we’re not out of business :)). I consider Linux distributions very nice build environments for my own software. :) And there’s thing we totally don’t compile ourselves like OpenSSL. It just doesn’t make any goddam sense to rely on the limited and outdated offer of Python modules from your distribution. Even if they don’t upgrade them under your butt and introduce regressions. —h ¹ For me apps always go to the same location so relocability is not an issue. Contrary I’m not a super fan of having one opaque blob on server; the transparent structure of a virtualenv is something I learned to appreciate.