On Jan 2, 2004, at 7:20 PM, Andrew Bennetts wrote:
The only reason you should have for calling sendLine in an IRCClient subclass is to extend its functionality to support more of the protocol than it already does. IRCClient already has support for signing on (the 'register' method and the 'signedOn' handler), so you shouldn't use sendLine for that. IRCClient currently lacks some IRC features, such as WHO, so to do those you do need sendLine.
That's what I thought. Did you take a look at that code sample I sent earlier? I hacked that up myself, with few examples, so I can see where i might have put things in places they weren't intended to be. I want to really learn Twisted, and to be able to put pieces together without having to be constantly digging for example code, and twiddling with that.
Also, good style suggests that you probably shouldn't mix your application code with your IRCClient extensions, i.e. subclass IRCClient for WHO support (and other other unimplemented commands you need), and then subclass that for your application.
I don't quite understand. Because in my case, my application just intantiates a client long enough to extract some information from the IRC server, issue a "who" command and extract the data. I always thought it was appropriate to sub-class the part i want to do, or parts that are not implemented by the parent, as in my case of wanting to do the "who" command, so I treated the command like any other IRC command that issues commands and gets back data. So If I can't mix my application code with a sub_class of a IRCClient, then how is the right way to do it. John