On Mon, 25 Jun 2007 14:57:50 -0500, Brendon Colby <brendoncolby@gmail.com> wrote:
Hrm yes, I'm using Debian stock 2.4, but wouldn't be opposed to hand installing a few things (like twisted). I've done it many times. A quick check of deferredGenerator and inlineCallbacks...these look _exactly_ like what I'm asking for. I might just stick with 2.4 and deferredGenerator.
I just want to point out that neither deferredGenerator nor inlineCallbacks does anything _new_ - they only provide an alternate API for defining callbacks and errbacks (an API that lets you use code inline within a single function without defining new functions). If your code doesn't execute in the right order without deferredGenerator, it won't execute in the right order with deferredGenerator either. Jean-Paul