hi all i got the solution of listing all ls -l files in a listbox . Next problem is to use recurrsively ls -l command again if a user selects a directory. Can we use multiple in Linux commands within a program withoy using pipe. i am forwarding the code. i need to use ls -l command dependng on whether he chooses a directory. #!/usr/bin/env python from twisted.conch.ssh import transport, userauth, connection, common, keys, channel from twisted.internet import defer, protocol, reactor from twisted.python import log import struct, sys, getpass, os import re import Tkinter from Tkinter import * from tkMessageBox import * from os.path import exists from Tkinter import * import commands #from DT import demo import shutil from os.path import exists import ftplib import sys from ftplib import FTP from tkMessageBox import * from tkFileDialog import asksaveasfilename import string from os import popen from re import split import Tkinter import os USER = 'cteam' # replace this with a valid username HOST = '' # and a valid host class SimpleTransport(transport.SSHClientTransport): def verifyHostKey(self, hostKey, fingerprint): print 'host key fingerprint: %s' % fingerprint return defer.succeed(1) def connectionSecure(self): self.requestService( SimpleUserAuth(USER, SimpleConnection())) class SimpleUserAuth(userauth.SSHUserAuthClient): def getPassword(self): return defer.succeed(getpass.getpass("%s@%s's password: " % (USER, HOST))) def getGenericAnswers(self, name, instruction, questions): print name print instruction answers = [] for prompt, echo in questions: if echo: answer = raw_input(prompt) else: answer = getpass.getpass(prompt) answers.append(answer) return defer.succeed(answers) def getPublicKey(self): path = os.path.expanduser('~/.ssh/id_dsa') # this works with rsa too # just change the name here and in getPrivateKey if not os.path.exists(path) or self.lastPublicKey: # the file doesn't exist, or we've tried a public key return return keys.getPublicKeyString(path+'.pub') def getPrivateKey(self): path = os.path.expanduser('~/.ssh/id_dsa') return defer.succeed(keys.getPrivateKeyObject(path)) class SimpleConnection(connection.SSHConnection): def serviceStarted(self): self.openChannel(TrueChannel(2**16, 2**15, self)) self.openChannel(FalseChannel(2**16, 2**15, self)) self.openChannel(CatChannel(2**16, 2**15, self)) class TrueChannel(channel.SSHChannel): name = 'session' # needed for commands def openFailed(self, reason): print 'true failed', reason def channelOpen(self, ignoredData): self.conn.sendRequest(self, 'exec', common.NS('true')) def request_exit_status(self, data): status = struct.unpack('>L', data)[0] print 'true status was: %s' % status self.loseConnection() class FalseChannel(channel.SSHChannel): name = 'session' def openFailed(self, reason): print 'false failed', reason def channelOpen(self, ignoredData): self.conn.sendRequest(self, 'exec', common.NS('false')) def request_exit_status(self, data): status = struct.unpack('>L', data)[0] print 'false status was: %s' % status self.loseConnection() class CatChannel(channel.SSHChannel): name = 'session' def openFailed(self, reason): print 'echo failed', reason def channelOpen(self, ignoredData): self.data = '' d = self.conn.sendRequest(self, 'exec', common.NS('ls -l'), wantReply = 1) d.addCallback(self._cbRequest) def _cbRequest(self, ignored): self.write('hello conch\n') self.conn.sendEOF(self) def dataReceived(self, data): self.data=self.data+data def closed(self): win = Tkinter.Tk(); Label(win,text='CARD UPLOAD UTILITY').pack(side=TOP) dirfm = Frame(win) dirsa=Scrollbar(dirfm) dirsb= Scrollbar(dirfm) dirsb.pack(side = RIGHT, fill =Y) dirs = Listbox(dirfm,height = 50, width = 70, yscrollcommand = dirsb.set) textsfile = Entry(dirfm) print 'got data from listing: %s' % self.data recs=self.data.split('\n') '''p4 = re.sub('[]''""['']','','%s'%recs) print 'p4[0]',p4[0]''' print 'shweta',recs var=StringVar(); for line in recs[1:]: p4 = re.sub('[]''""['']','','%s'%line) print p4[0] p2 = string.split(p4) print 'p2',p2 p5 = [] p5 = p5.append(p2[8]) print line w=p4[0] # d r _ dirs.insert(END,line) var=StringVar(); #dirs.bind('<Double-1>', listd) textsfile.pack( side = BOTTOM) dirsb.config(command=dirs.yview) dirs.pack(side=LEFT,fill=BOTH) c=textsfile.get() dirfm.pack() self.loseConnection() reactor.stop() protocol.ClientCreator(reactor, SimpleTransport).connectTCP(HOST, 22) reactor.run() the next problem is to execute a script from the server which accepts inputs from the user and processes it. for eg sh test1.sh On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 9:34 PM, Jean-Paul Calderone <exarkun@divmod.com>wrote:
On Tue, 30 Sep 2008 21:24:03 +0530, shweta mani <shweta3230@gmail.com> wrote:
This isn't the right way to use Tk with Twisted.
See http://twistedmatrix.com/projects/core/documentation/howto/choosing-reactor....
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