-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 I'm new to twisted, and attempting to use it for networkable gaming; unfortunately I've run into some problems. I have a Perspective <-> Referenceable server/client setup, and am trying to pass objects between them. Following the online docs I've set all the relavent classes to inherit from pb.Copyable + pb.RemoteCopy, and passed them all to pb.setUnjellyableForClass. However, I still get "Module not allowed" exceptions raised in twisted.spread.jelly.py line 523. Looking more closely, I see that modules are not allowed unless passed to SecurityOptions.allowModules(), which is only called from SecurityOptions.allowInstancesOf(), which is not exposed through pb... In short I don't see how the example code on: http://twistedmatrix.com/documents/howto/pb-copyable could possibly work! Is it indeed necessary to call allowInstancesOf() directly? Hopefully I am just missing something... :-) I'm also unsure what to make of the last bullet under "Things To Watch Out For" on the above webpage. It seems unsure whether using __init__ to initialize transferable objects is ok... Must I truly go and hack all my objects to not use __init__, and instead use setCopyableState()? This, especially when combined with the need to inherit from pb.Copyable + pb.RemoteCopy, seems onerous when compared to the minimal interface of pickle. I would like to be able to simple pass objects of arbitrary classes, provided I've registered them as UnJellyable. Hopefully I'm missing something here as well! Thanks in advance, - -Jasper -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux) Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org iD8DBQE+eQVb8EpjZ7/X9bIRAoGmAKDOp/mMXUV0wGG057+CK5Shf75k9ACgu9Cb EuFB62b9vaObg3LZZlJ81jg= =8Dte -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----