Hi, this little script redirects all the sip requests it receives to other sip server residing and, this is a learning example for me as well, but good enough to start with SIP in twisted. from twisted.internet import reactor from twisted.protocols import sip from twisted.internet.protocol import ServerFactory class SipProxy(sip.Proxy): def __init__(self): sip.Proxy.__init__(self,host='',port=5060) self.tries=0 def handle_request(self,message,addr): print message.toString() print dir(message) if message.method=='ACK':return r = self.responseFromRequest(301,message) r.addHeader("Contact","sip:") r.creationFinished() self.deliverResponse(r) print r.toString() print addr self.tries+=1 class sipfactory(ServerFactory): protocol=SipProxy reactor.listenUDP(5060,SipProxy(),'') reactor.run() Thanks & Regards, Godson Gera On 6/30/08, Rémi BUISSON <buisson@enseirb.fr> wrote:
Hi everyone,
I didn't succeed in using twisted.protocols.sip ?
Do you have a simple example for me ? It will be very nice ...
Thanks in advance !
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