On Thu, Dec 01, 2005 at 05:48:12PM +0800, Xu Ryan wrote:
I meet another problem. After i create some ClientCreate instance and let the reactor run , it works ok. But how could I send message when reactor is running? Because there are not only one services that twisted provide. And when I need send the messages i have told above , perhaps there are other service running , using the same reactor(becaus it's global), and obviously I can't stop it , re-create ClientCreator, then call reactor.run() to send the message.
You seem to misunderstand how to do concurrent operations in Twisted. You don't need to stop the reactor. If at some point in your code you want to make another connection with ClientCreator, just call ClientCreator's connectTCP method as usual -- without stopping the reactor. The point of the reactor is that it takes care of managing multiple connections and the like at once. So, it's not "stop [the reactor] , re-create ClientCreator, then call reactor.run() to send the message", it's just "re-create ClientCreator". It may even be just "call connectTCP on your existing ClientCreator again." -Andrew.