Hi Ed. Let's please leave the licensing issues of Twisted alone. This change was made quite some time ago as a license that would encourage developers to use Twisted. I think this should be respected and the licensing of code you are willing to commit, committed at MIT, so we don't need to open this debate. It is a reasonable and open license for this type of framework and there is no point in cutting off commercial developers that wish to use it by inserting GPL code. The point is that there are those who do in fact obtain a license from Trolltech and will not wish to mix GPL with a proprietary app, thus the MIT works well for this. Many thanks. Regards, David Ed Suominen wrote:
I'm using the qtreactor in a GPL-but-unreleased PyQt 4.1 application of my own, and have not found any problems whatsoever with the integration of the Qt Twisted event loops. It's really a pretty slick combination.
As an example and a contribution, I offer the following (GPL'd) module: http://deadbeefbabe.org/paste/1996 (syntax-highlighted version), http://foss.eepatents.com/misc/qt-twisted-dialog.py (source). It allows you to construct a non-blocking modal dialog, immediately obtaining a deferred to the user's eventual input.
As an aside, I would be interested in people's viewpoints about whether the Qt reactor is suitable for Twisted's MIT-style license, given that it doesn't actually import any Qt code itself. It leaves that step up to the user with the installation of a reactor into the Qt application object. As every Qt user probably knows, the Qt library itself is dual-licensed under either the GPL or Trolltech's proprietary license.
Best regards, Ed
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