On 2/22/22 21:10, Ian Haywood wrote:
On 22/02/2022 7:44 am, Glyph wrote:
I’m in a similar place myself. I could probably put more effort forth if we could get a bit more of a small commitment from more other developers. I do not want to spend my time as a full-time unpaid twisted maintainer, or simply slogging through reviewing old tickets while never developing any interesting new features myself. But, it seems like unless I do, then my own feature development will simply languish forever at the end of a year-long queue.
It makes me wish we could have a sort of open source mutually-assured maintenance system, where we all put in some number of hours and get some small reward (like bragging rights, a little badge?) out of meeting that commitment. But that also requires some volunteers[1] to go build it.
This trial maintenance is also something I’m definitely interested in, but I don’t think /just/ a small commitment from me and JP would be quite enough to get it somewhere meaningful.
I would like to contribute more to twisted, but I've found the review process discouraging. I suppose I would call myself a "frustrated twisted developer".
maintaining trial is beyond my knowledge but are there any other small desired tasks ?
[I've not felt competent to do code reviews until I'd had *one* PR accepted]
+1 for Ian's comment, I see myself in the same position. After having dragged nevow from py2 to py3 to a point where most (or all?) of the trial tests ran green I just gave up on breaking the myriad of very simple changes into single PRs. I'm really in for proper adherence to the process whatever it might entail but trial itself was more of a stumbling block than a honed tool providing the right amount of insight into tests and why they failed. trial was extremely difficult to handle for all nevow/athena related tests where the tests spawn sub processes dealing with JavaScript. I don't know how other testing frameworks would fare in such multilanguage/cross network situations, but being able to have clean third party real network clients tied into the framework for protocol testing would have made me tackle the move forward to break athena out of nevow and refresh and renew the in my opinion still unrivaled in ease of use for bidirectional RPC framework. Mahalo, Werner