I we have a basic twisted server that we have doing nothing but dropping received bits on the floor, and sending back a static response. We have tested it on a Solaris 10 on a Sun T1000 ( 8 cores ) and on Solaris 8 on a Sun V210. We did initial load testing on a Dell 2850 ( 2 Hyperthreaded P4's ) using Red Hat WS 3 (Taroon Update 4) / ( Linux 2.4.21-27.ELsmp ) The Solaris boxes are all showing latency 5 times what we are seeing on the Dell 2850 with 1/5 as many clients to boot. On the Dell 2850 ( linux thinks it is a quad processor box ) our Twisted server is more Network I/O bound than CPU bound until we get to around 800 - 900 clients, latency is manageable all the way up to about 1400 clients, at which time they start getting progressively worse. All the Sparc boxes start out CPU bound at about 200 clients and latencies are way worse than Linux with 1400 clients. The only Solaris 10 x86 box we have to test on is so old it is almost impossible to compare to even the Dell 2850. :-( We are using Python 2.4.4 and Twisted 2.4.0 using the poll reactor in all cases. Anyone have any idea why we are seeing such poor performance on Solaris? Is it the Sparc hardware?