Hi Adi, If anyone needs them, I do have additional backups of Dornkirk's filesystem; I believe the ones which were made at the migration from tummy.com. Have you spoken to anyone at Microsoft, i.e. Steve Dower, to see if anything can be recovered? -g
On Feb 6, 2023, at 8:09 AM, Adi Roiban <adiroiban@gmail.com> wrote:
Just FYI.
Today I found out that on the 26 of September 2022 the Twisted Visual Studio Azure subscription that we had as a sponsorship from MS was disabled. On the 30 of December 2022 the whole "resources" were removed.
This means that we lost the backups from the old Dornkirk VM. Also, all the services migrated from Dornkirk are no longer available.
Most services were already migrated from Azure VM, so in terms of services, the important disruption is in terms of the DNS server.
The backups could also be an important part, but I think that the important information was archived in various Twisted GitHub repos.
I don't think that it is worth trying to recover the data.
I was expecting to receive a separate email from MS to inform me that they will no longer support Twisted, and not just a generic Azure subscription disable message.
The Twisted Azure subscription message was lost between my other messages, as in the same period I was also disabling/removing other Azure subscriptions :(
-- Adi Roiban _______________________________________________ Twisted mailing list -- twisted@python.org To unsubscribe send an email to twisted-leave@python.org https://mail.python.org/mailman3/lists/twisted.python.org/ Message archived at https://mail.python.org/archives/list/twisted@python.org/message/QMAFNCAZ6LU... Code of Conduct: https://twisted.org/conduct