On Sun, Jul 21, 2019, at 9:30 AM, Amber Brown wrote:
On 22/7/19 2:24 am, Amber Brown wrote:
Hello! It's time for another Twisted release!
This one is full o' stuff, including: - The dropping of Python 3.4 support, - A better PyPI page, - twisted.internet.testing, a public-API version of twisted.test.proto_helpers, - Support for hmac-sha2-512 as a server in Conch, - Customisable certificate support for XMPP, - Tightening up of bytes/unicode arguments in Agent and twisted.web in general, - and a raft of removals of deprecated cruft. You can get the tarball and the NEWS file at https://twistedmatrix.com/Releases/rc/19.7.0rc1/ , or you can try it out from PyPI: python -m pip install Twisted==19.7.0rc1 Please test it, and let me know how your applications fare, good or bad! If nothing comes up, 19.7 will release in a week. Twisted regards, Amber Brown (hawkowl) PS: The full release will come with MacOS and Linux wheels for all supported Python versions, but may not come with Windows wheels.
Correction: We will have MacOS, Linux (32+64), and Windows (32+64) wheels for all supported Python versions.
(Also thanks to altendky who did all the work to make this possible!)
Wow! Thanks so much for everyone who contributed to this amazing release. The PyPI, twisted.internet.testing, and wheels changes are all huge quality-of-life improvements for the project and I really appreciate all the effort everyone made to getting these to happen. -glyph