I would like to announce the first release of txThings. It is a simple library for Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP). CoAP is a relatively new protocol designed for "Internet of Things" and M2M communications.
Internet of Things is currently very interesting field of development. It is approaching a phase where many opportunities for both large and small players. I think Twisted is well suited for development of IoT apps: - it's stable - it's Python based and portable - it has good support for UDP and TCP, which makes it ideal for proxying IoT protocols to HTTP In my opinion in the next three years, at least 20% of Twisted apps will be IoT related (educated guess, no hard data :) )
I fully agree that Python/Twisted may have a particular competitive advantage in embedded / IoT (see below). And if so, why not take that opportunity and actively embrace / promote specifically IoT from the Twisted community? Why I think Python/Twisted has an edge: - the (more pure) Web play languages like PHP and Ruby don't fit well with processing serial port data or doing UDP (if possible at all) - Perl - shudder;) Python is easy to approach for beginners and sane and bla bla bla - C: is here to stay, and has it's place in IoT - C++: can't see a particular competitive advantage for IoT - same goes for (great) stuff like Haskell or Erlang Whats your take on the stuff below? There is .NET driven by MS. I wasn't aware that they created a .NET Micro under _Apache 2.0_ (!): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.NET_Micro_Framework http://www.netmf.com/ Then there is Oracle with Java ME http://www.oracle.com/us/solutions/internetofthings/index.html Then there is .. JavaScript. Put v8/node on your Pi. However, Node has quite a different focus. Last time I checked e.g. the support for serial was not in main project (I had read comments they don't _want_ to have it). And then there is the Lua universe that has a bunch of brilliant stuff: http://www.eluaproject.net/ http://luajit.org/ https://github.com/justincormack/ljsyscall === If above sounds OT for this list, in one way probably, but when looking from the angle: competitive advantage of Python/Twisted and opportunities for expanding the community and actively promoting Twisted, I'd say it's on topic. /Tobias