On Dec 3, 2014, at 22:55, Roberto Polli <roberto.polli@babel.it> wrote:

Hi Glyph|all,

I just noticed the t.p.logger is gone (or integrated). This made
the patch for supporting logLevels in t.p.syslog straightforward:

It's not dead, it's just... resting.

More details here: <http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/milestone/New%20Logging%20System>


There are plenty of tests and it worked nicely on my env,
allowing rsyslog to split my twistd app log in various files with different

If you see some flaw in the tests just let me know... once I roll it
for a while on my apps I'll put the ticket in review.

Sorry for the great delay :( 

Thanks for your contribution!  I'll probably only look at the tests once it's in review, though ;).
