* David Pratt <fairwinds@eastlink.ca> [2006-09-25 13:00:31 -0300]:
Hi Ed. Let's please leave the licensing issues of Twisted alone. This change was made quite some time ago as a license that would encourage developers to use Twisted. I think this should be respected and the licensing of code you are willing to commit, committed at MIT, so we don't need to open this debate.
I was not under the impression that he was suggesting that Twisted's license be changed; instead I believe he was merely trying to point out that since Twisted code is MIT-licensed as a matter of policy, having code that possible constitutes a derivative work of Qt may be legally problematic. Please note that I'm not trying to suggest an informed opinion on whether or not this is true; IANAL etc. Also see glyph's post in this thread for a reasonable course of action to clear this potential issue up. -- mithrandi, i Ainil en-Balandor, a faer Ambar