On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 10:49 PM, Alec Matusis <matusis@yahoo.com> wrote:
I have an application that is start from a command line by a shell script that has this:
/usr/local/bin/twistd --no_save --reactor=epoll --pidfile=logs/serv.pid --logfile=logs/serv.log --python=serv.py
application = twisted.application.service.Application('serv',uid=config.server_uid,gid=con fig.server_gid)
my_service = service.MyService() my_service.setServiceParent(application)
In MyService class I have:
def startService(self): if bad_config_file: #I want to print to stdout here end quit immediately?? twisted.internet.reactor.callLater(0, twisted.internet.reactor.stop)
I cannot force twistd to print to stdout after that comment line, probably because it's daemonized by then. print 'bad error' writes it to --logfile=logs/serv.log I tried sys.stdout/stderr.write('bad error') - it's not written anywhere, not even to the logfile. sys.exit('bad error') exits, but does not print anywhere either.
How do I make it print to stdout?
You want to print to stdout before you become a daemon - in makeService(), rather than startService(), for example. A unix daemon should attach stdin, stdout, stderr to /dev/null.