Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2006 07:39:58 -0000 From: Subject: Re: [Twisted-Python] SQLAlchemy integration To: Twisted general discussion <> Message-ID:> <> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
On 22 Nov, 11:19 am, wrote:
I'm writing some modules for integrating SQLALchemy with Twisted. The idea is to write a custom Pool, EngineStrategy and Engine for Twisted.
I would like to know if there are some other people working on this (excluding sAsync)
Is there really a good reason for having *two* different efforts to integrate Twisted with a single other library? Surely it must be possible to collaborate somehow.
I also use both Twisted and SQLAlchemy in one project. Unfortunately, using sAsync is not an option for me due to licensing issue (sAsync is released under GPL). Maciej Szumocki