On behalf of the Twisted contributors I announce the final release of Twisted 21.7.0 This is mostly a bugfix release. *Python 3.5 is no longer a supported platform.* *The minimum supported platform is Python 3.6.7.* The notable features are: - Python 3.10 beta is now a supported platform and should be ready for the final 3.10 release. - twisted.web.template.renderElement() now accepts any IRequest implementer instead of only twisted.web.server.Request. Add type hints to twisted.web.template. (#10184) *- *Type hinting was added to twisted.internet.defer, making this the first release of Twisted where you might reasonably be able to use mypy without your own custom stub files. (#10017) The full release notes are available at https://github.com/twisted/twisted/releases/tag/twisted-21.7.0 Documentation is available at https://docs.twistedmatrix.com/en/stable/ Wheels for the release candidate are available on PyPI https://pypi.org/project/Twisted/21.7.0/ python -m pip install Twisted==21.7.0 Many thanks to everyone who had a part in Twisted - the supporters of the Twisted Software Foundation, the developers, and all the people testing and building great things with Twisted! Enjoy the release! -- Adi Roiban