Dec. 31, 2013
10:41 a.m.
Thing is: I was looking for --endpoint "..." argument with twistd, but there isn't.
How is the full endpoint "vision" supposed to work out? I mean, being able to:
twistd conch --endpoint "autobahn:tcp\:80:url=ws\://myhost.com"
to run a conch server that can be accessed running SSH over WebSocket over TCP.
FWIW, the argument you’re looking for is usually called “--port”. The most obvious example is the web plugin.
Thanks! That's what I was missing. It works: I can run twistd -n telnet --port "autobahn:tcp\:9000:url=ws\://localhost\:9000" and access the Python shell from a browser: http://picpaste.com/Clipboard23-fJfJCg7E.png I'll write a small Telnet client in JS .. and will post a complete example. This is cool=) /Tobias