Le Aug 3, 2012 à 11:09 AM, Duncan McGreggor <duncan.mcgreggor@gmail.com> a écrit :

On Fri, Aug 3, 2012 at 10:13 AM, Laurens Van Houtven <_@lvh.cc> wrote:

I'm reading the tap how to: http://twistedmatrix.com/documents/current/core/howto/tap.html

In the conclusion, it says:

• Use it from your development environment
• Install it correctly and use it in deployment

I can get it to work from my development environment, but I can't find anything about installing it. I'm using a fairly run-of-the-mill distribute-powered setup.py. What do I do?

Here's an example setup.py:

Note the packages and package_data parameters.

Also, I refresh the plugin cache after setup. This has removed the
problem of Twisted not being able to find newly installed plugins.

I think that this is the following Stack Overflow question:


There are some issues with the answer there, as noted in the comments, but something like this needs to be in Twisted's documentation someplace, as soon as someone can agree what the right way for all the different packaging configurations you can find yourself in is.
