July 6, 2012
1:44 p.m.
On 06/07/12 14:05, Itamar Turner-Trauring wrote:
On 07/06/2012 07:42 AM, Phil Mayers wrote:
On 06/07/12 10:52, Laurens Van Houtven wrote:
Aha, okay, so that's that possible culprit off the table. Thanks!
FWIW: Chunked transfer encoding *should* work with twisted.web.server, right? Good question. Unfortunately the Trac implementation is running slowly so I can't browse the HEAD code, but in my local copy I don't see any sign of chunked encoding handling in the client->server direction i.e. for request body.
The server definitely supports chunked encoding; see twisted/web/http.py:1585.
Ah, didn't spot that.