Hi, On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 6:41 PM, Facundo Batista <facundobatista@gmail.com> wrote:
Mmm... which is the problem with doing:
log.msg("Foo happened. Relevant information includes: " "bar=%s baz=%s boz=%s", bar, baz, boz)
Is way more readable, and in the practice the code will just need to do something like:
def msg(format_string, *args): try: line = format_string % args except: # something clever
No regexes involved, and very cheap in the case where it works.
And this is a personal opinion: the "working way" (where programmed coded all ok) should be as cheap as possible. If something is wrong with the logging line, it must not crash, and I don't care if it's expensive, but that line will be fixed, and will work ok, and from there to the future it will be cheap.
You might be interested in logfmt (which has implementations for Ruby, Javascript and Go at least): https://github.com/jkakar/logfmt-python The example above could be written in a logfmt-compatible way as: log.msg("message=Foo happened bar=%s baz=%s boz=%s", bar, baz, boz) This is as readable as what you have above while being a touch easier to parse. The main point that logs are data and should emitted in a way that makes consuming them easy is a good one regardless of the format you choose. I do wonder if logfmt is unnecessary and if simply dumping JSON objects would be just as good... logfmt is slightly prettier but the JSON approach has the advantage of having a parser available in basically every language anyone would ever care about. Thanks, J.