Investigating further, I found this is not SSL related problem, but in my code may have bug. In the following script, I expect that reactor stops in 2 secs after it started, but connectionLost() is not fired at all. Is this a bug in Twisted? Or Am I missing something? ========================================= from twisted.protocols import basic from twisted.internet import protocol, reactor serverfactory = protocol.Factory() serverfactory.protocol = basic.LineOnlyReceiver port = reactor.listenTCP(9084, serverfactory, interface='') CANCELED = False class Client(basic.LineReceiver): def connectionMade(self): class dmyfile: def read(self, n): if CANCELED: return else: return '1' s = basic.FileSender() print "start sending" def f1(lastChunk): print "finished" def f2(reason): print "failed" print reason s.beginFileTransfer( dmyfile(), self.transport, None ).addCallbacks(f1, f2) def connectionLost(self, conn, reason=protocol.connectionDone): print "protocol:connectionlost" class Factory(protocol.ClientFactory): protocol = Client def clientConnectionLost(self, conn, reason): print "clientConnectionLost" reactor.stop() conn = reactor.connectTCP('', 9084, Factory()) def cancel(): print "cancel", conn.state global CANCELED CANCELED = True conn.disconnect() reactor.callLater(2, cancel) # disconnect 2 sec later reactor.run()