Terry Jones wrote:
BTW, I spent an interesting morning getting my head around *exactly* how inlineCallbacks does its thing... No summary of my thoughts could do it justice. I wonder how many people on the planet have been down that rabbit hole.
Not me, man, not me. I just use the bloody thing, and curse it when it shortens tracebacks.
I hope people don't mind my peanut gallery commentary. We're all in this together, after all. A little gallows humor occasionally seems in order.
Again, certainly not me. Go right ahead! ;-) -- Nicola Larosa - http://www.tekNico.net/ The rhythm section responds to the orchestra in a way that makes it significant for a jazz record [Epiphany]. Having a rhythm section respond to the stimulus of the other players is what jazz is all about. - Vince Mendoza, September 2007