June 27, 2002
11:26 p.m.
From: Paul Boehm <typo@soniq.net> Subject: [Twisted-Python] unpause() Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2002 13:25:13 +0200
imho self._runCallbacks() in Deferred.unpause() needs to be removed, because self.isError and self.results aren't neccesarily initialized at this point, yet.
I think you're right; I ought to be checking self.called before self._runCallbacks().
web.widgets can trigger this with its deferred widget rendering.
any comments ?
I've fixed it, I think. Care to contribute a test case? ;) -- | <`'> | Glyph Lefkowitz: Traveling Sorcerer | | < _/ > | Lead Developer, the Twisted project | | < ___/ > | http://www.twistedmatrix.com |