(I CC-d this to reality@ because it's a cross-over subject, but since the topic encompasses reality as well as twisted python in general, I suppose it's best to continue it on twisted-python@) Glyph and I have talked a bit about a project that I'm thinking about doing - a spatial, graphical (don't get your shorts all bunched up - I'll talk about this in a bit) RPG. I'd like to utilize much of the functionality in Twisted Python, and I think even some features directly from reality could be useful. Glyph and I have differing views on this. He mentioned integrating the spatial relativity into twisted.reality directly, whereas I think that this RPG should be in a different module, but maybe utilizing some of reality. Before I give you my perspective, I'll tell you that I haven't worked with TR a whole lot, but I've done a bit of code-reading. This RPG is *meant* to be graphical. That is, it doesn't need lots of features that are in twisted.reality. It probably is possible to integrate spatial relativity into TR, and it might even be nice for some situations, but I don't think it'd be useful for mine. With the goals I have in mind, stuff like English grammar and gender (for ie) are irrelevant in most cases - stuff that is built into the core of TR. I realize that there is probably a lot of naivete in this post, so I'm urging everyone (especially glyph :>) to respond. I'm willing to do the best thing, even if it means completely changing my design :) But currently, I don't think having the "cruft" (in this context) of text-based games in a spatial, graphical-based RPG is the best thing. -- Chris Armstrong http://twistedmatrix.com:8010/ carmstro@dynup.net There is a 90% chance that this message was written when the author's been awake longer than he should have. Please disregard any senseless drivel.