On Wed, May 6, 2020 at 11:44 AM Vladimir Chudyk <vladier233@gmail.com> wrote:
Looking at the docs I found that Generators-based coroutines, something that twisted's inline callbacks depend a lot, will be deprecated soon by the time python 3.10 is released.



Support for generator-based coroutines is deprecated and is scheduled for removal in Python 3.10.

This is a problem since any future python release will come without the generator-based coroutines that twisted needs, so any higher version of python 3.10 will, for the most part, completely broke a lot of twisted code that already exists.
How will then twisted handle this deprecation?

This seems to be a deprecation of the asyncio library's implementation of generator-based coroutines.  It doesn't seem like it should affect any code written using `inlineCallbacks`, only code that uses `asyncio.coroutine`.
