Thanks.  I updated the fix and the tests.

On 11/2/05, James Y Knight <> wrote:
On Nov 2, 2005, at 3:50 PM, Justin Johnson wrote:
>  _cmdLineQuoteRe = re.compile(r'(\\*)"')
>  def _cmdLineQuote(s):
> -    return '"' + _cmdLineQuoteRe.sub(r'\1\1\\"', s) + '"'
> +    quote = ((" " in s) or ("\t" in s)) and '"' or ''
> +    return quote + _cmdLineQuoteRe.sub(r'\1\1\\"', s) + quote

That should be checking for a doublequote in addition to space and tab.

Also I just noticed another bug:
With input string (two characters):
the output should be (6 chars):
but is currently completely incorrect:

I think that second can be fixed with:
_cmdLineQuoteRe = re.compile(r'(\\*)"')
_cmdLineQuoteRe2 = re.compile(r'(\\+)\Z')
def _cmdLineQuote(s):
    return '"' + _cmdLineQuoteRe2.sub(r"\1\1", _cmdLineQuoteRe.sub
(r'\1\1\\"', s)) + '"'


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