On 12/28/05, Thomas HERVE <therve@free.fr> wrote:
Quoting Christopher Armstrong <radeex@gmail.com>:
Wow man, where have you been? The string module has been mostly obsolete since (I think) 2.0, and the list comps and new style classes were already in Python 2.2
Well I do know that, but what's the reason why I see so many "import string" in the trunk ? Why I see so many classes that don't subclass object ?
Don't rock the boat. Don't fix what ain't broken. etc. New classes often subclass object, and new code always uses str methods. I do seem to remember that there was a big str-method change to Twisted a while back, for the sake of optimisation. I don't see any similar improvement to having a big festival for switching everything to object.
I can't remember about optparse; all Twisted code uses twisted.python.usage.
Wouldn't it be better to subclass OptParse ? I have the feeling usage.Options does nearly the same things.
I'm pretty sure that debate has been had, although I don't know if it was on the mailing list. I suggest searching the archives. -- Twisted | Christopher Armstrong: International Man of Twistery Radix | -- http://radix.twistedmatrix.com | Release Manager, Twisted Project \\\V/// | -- http://twistedmatrix.com |o O| | w----v----w-+