On Fri, Jan 02, 2004 at 06:13:39PM -0800, JD wrote:
On Jan 1, 2004, at 6:52 PM, Andrew Bennetts wrote:
On Thu, Jan 01, 2004 at 11:25:37AM -0800, JD wrote:
do I use: testIRC.sendLine('signedOn') to send the command to the IRC server to signon?
No. IRCClient is a LineReceiver subclass, because that's how the low-level protocol works.
I think I understand. what is needed in the docs, is a better description of just what the roles of these objects are supposed to do, and where we, as users of Twisted, would have a much better chance to use Twisted in the way it is intended. So the usage of 'sendLine' in a 'lineReceiver' would be inappropriate? but if that's true, then how does one send a command to the IRC server?
No, using sendLine in a LineReceiver is fine -- that's why LineReceiver defines sendLine. What isn't so good is using sendLine in an IRCClient subclass. While IRCClient subclasses LineReceiver, in general you should be using the abstractions IRCClient provides to send commands to and receive responses from the server (if you don't want to use them, then why not just use a plain LineReceiver?). The only reason you should have for calling sendLine in an IRCClient subclass is to extend its functionality to support more of the protocol than it already does. IRCClient already has support for signing on (the 'register' method and the 'signedOn' handler), so you shouldn't use sendLine for that. IRCClient currently lacks some IRC features, such as WHO, so to do those you do need sendLine. Also, good style suggests that you probably shouldn't mix your application code with your IRCClient extensions, i.e. subclass IRCClient for WHO support (and other other unimplemented commands you need), and then subclass that for your application.
By the way, I've chosen this as a simple test application, not unlike what I want to really do, so I have chosen a relatively simple application, where I just extract all the users of a specified IRC server, and return the data.
I have not specified the form of the data, that's not important, but what's important to me, is the understand how to use Twisted in the way it was intended.
I have this:
class IRC_test(irc.IRCClient):
def whois_on(self): """ This method issues a 'WHO' command to see who is on the server. """ self.sendLine("WHO")
def signedOn(self): """Called after sucessfully signing on to the server. So we immediately issue the 'whois_on' message to let the server go and do it's stuff. """ self.whois_on(self)
def whois_result(self, prefix, info): """ This is the code the IRC is somehow going to call. Then, after it is called, it stores the info in the factory and returns by calling 'reactor.stop()' to exit the reactor.run() """ self.result = extract_whois_data(info) reactor.stop()
(This identation is really painful.)
def irc_RPL_WHOISSERVER(self, prefix, params): """ This was not included in the parent class IRCClient, So I add it here. 'lineReceived' gets the command = numeric_to_symbolic[command], which is now the string 'RPL_WHOISSERVER'. To get THIS method to call, the 'handleCommand' method first generates a key to the class's 'attribute' dictionary, by pre-pending 'irc_' in front of it to get this method, which is then called. 'params' would then have the result data. We need to hack around to see what form it's in. """ self.whois_result(params[1])
(This identation won't even work!) But creating a method called 'irc_RPL_WHOISSERVER' will do what you want here. Handler methods with a common prefix that are dispatched with a getattr call are a common, and very nice, idiom in Twisted.
def test_irc(host, port): """ This function scans a particular IRC server, and returns a dictionary of all the nicks and IP addresses. Nick is the key, the IP or reverse dns is the value. """ my_nick = "jd6969" data_dict = {} # place where I want my IRC data myTestFactory = IRC_test(data_dict, my_nick) reactor.connectTCP(host, port, myTestFactory) reactor.run() # I just wait for the server to respond return data_dict # when it does, I just want to return with the data
(Ugh, and now you're using tabs...) IRC_test is a protocol, but you're passing it as a factory to connectTCP. See http://twistedmatrix.com/documents/howto/clients.
I know this is a pretty stupid and useless application, but this is very close to what I want it to do, without revealing anything. I haven't tested this yet, because I just want to be sure I'm doing it right, rather then to spend weeks down a particular path to nowhere.
This code is short. Why didn't you run it yourself to get some idea of how close it is to working? Working code is usually a good sign that you're close to the right path, if not already on it...
However, you're not using the low-level protocol, you're using an abstraction on top of it -- IRCClient. Don't break the abstraction (by calling LineReceiver's sendLine method) unless you have a good reason to and you know the protocol spec well enough to know what you're doing (which would be RFC 2812 in this case, I think).
I believe I do, because I still have to tell the IRC server what I want it to do. And the only way I can see, is with the sendLine command.
Only because you need to extend it to cover parts of the protocol that aren't implemented. You started off talking about 'signedOn', which is already covered by IRCClient, and only later mentioned trying to do a WHO command, which isn't. Confusing issues like this makes it hard to figure out what you're trying to do.
As far as I'm aware, sending a line saying 'signedOn' to the server doesn't make any sense in the IRC protocol, so this definitely wouldn't achieve anything useful, except causing an error from the server that the IRCClient instance probably won't expect (because you broke the abstraction and snuck behind its back to do it).
Ok, so it is clear I'm doing this wrong. If that's the case, then what is the RIGHT way of doing it?
Calling register, of course. Where in the RFC does it say 'signedOn' is a recognised command?
or do I: testIRC.register('mynick', 'myhost', 'irc.debian.com')
That looks much saner. And noticeably more full of information than testIRC.sendLine('signedOn')...
then, when I want to do the "who" command, would I do: testIRC.sendLine('who')
Well, I believe the WHO command requires an argument, so it would be more like testIRC.sendLine('WHO ' + name)... but see my next answer.
hmmm - in checking the RFC it mentions I can either "WHO <channel>" or "WHO" without specifying a channel, in which it gets the names of ALL the users of the IRC server not hidden.
Fair enough. Believe it or not, but I actually know very very little about IRC, I mainly figured it out for that email to you by skimming irc.py and one or two brief google searches to confirm e.g. that 'signedOn' doesn't appear in the RFC.
The right way to do this is implemented in sandbox/exarkun/irc2.py -- see the AdvancedClient.who method. I'd follow JP's earlier suggestion and use it.
I was NOT aware that anything in "sandbox" had anything to do with IRC. Expecially when words like this are chosen. One can interpret 'sandbox' in many zillion ways, so how would I even know this.
Because of a mail from earlier in the thread from JP: http://twistedmatrix.com/pipermail/twisted-python/2004-January/006893.html Which part of "WHO is one of the commands I did manage to improve, but I never moved any of the work out of my sandbox. You can find it in Twisted/sandbox/exarkun/irc2.py." was unclear?
I took a look at this, and WOW - this might be just what I need. I'm going to have to spend a lot of time studying this. I had no clue this even existed, primarily because the name 'sandbox' really had nothing to do with IRC, and I just couldn't make the connection.
Hence the email.
The answer is of course none of those. You should've already noticed that IRCClient doesn't implement a who() method, so it's hardly surprising it hasn't implemented a command to deal with its response.
yes - as it also doesn't implement a LOT of things, and yet they are defined as overrideable functions.
I don't understand what you're saying here. You mean things like irc_RPL_WHOISSERVER? That's just the way the prefixed getattr idiom works; all you need to do support a new command define a handler method for it, and that's it. No explicit registration or anything like that needed. Python's a dynamic language, and Twisted uses that to its advantage.
I thought you wanted to use the WHO command not WHOIS? Please try to be precise.
I thought they were almost the same.... at least that's what I read in the RFC's. What is the difference?
No idea. Again, I don't know IRC very well :) I notice that irc2.py implements both WHO and WHOIS seperately, though, so I figure there are some differences, which is why you saying WHO and then later WHOIS confused me.
Could I add this to my IRCClient's subclass?
def irc_RPL_WHOISSERVER(self, prefix, params): self.whois(params[1])
If you look at irc2.py, you'll see it does override this method. Note that 'whois' is a bad name for the response handler -- the existing convention in IRCClient is that 'join', 'nick', etc, are the methods that *issue* the command, not that handle the response.
I haven't seen any mention of naming conventions, but if there is one, I certainly would want to know where it is.
It's not explicitly written anywhere that I know of. It was just obvious to me from skimming the code of irc.py and irc2.py that that's what the convention was, because that's what the existing code *does*. I generally try to follow the conventions of code I'm using to avoid getting horribly confused.
I think the biggest critical step you're missing is that you're busily trying to reinvent a wheel that's already been made in sandbox/exarkun/irc2.py, though.
that is obviously true.... I explained above why I just didn't even know of it's existance until it was pointed out to me.
Yes, but it was pointed out to you before this... -Andrew.