
I would like to be able to send events from the new logging system (twisted.logger) to a remote log collection system.  If I'm using twist then it seems options for configuring this part of logging are limited.  The choices appear to be logging to stdout, stdout, or a file on the filesystem.

If I write my own command-line entrypoint then I can probably do whatever I want by writing a custom observer and hooking it up appropriately.  I'd rather not have to do that, though.

I could also go back to twistd and use --logger.  But since interest in twistd appears to be on the decline, in favor of twist, I'd rather avoid that as well.

It seems like the idea would be something like --logger for twist, perhaps replacing the --log-file option.  If there were a way to pass some arguments that would be pretty nice as well.

    twist --logger myapp.something:x=y,a=b
  twist --logger twisted.logger.FileLogObserver.fromPath:path=/foo/bar

(Actual syntax not that important to me; consistency with endpoint syntax would have some advantages; something that deals with the necessities of quoting and nesting would be better, of course.   Also, I know everyone hates Twisted's plugins but they would make for a nicer UI than FQPNs here.)

The first thing I'm likely to do with this is bridge twisted.logger events to Eliot.  I think this will provide the most useful logs (at least some of the logs from Twisted will have a meaningful Eliot context, though certainly nowhere near all).  Also I already have a system for configuring Eliot log destinations (which supports passing along arguments, so I can already tell Eliot where my remote log collector is with a command-line argument).

What are the chances of getting support for this scenario into twist itself?
