In the hopes of motivating some more contributions to Twisted, we've whipped up a little hack to incentivize more people to contribute patches, and especially, to do reviews: <http://twistedmatrix.com/highscores/> Scoring begins on the first of each month. The scoring algorithm isn't completely finalized so you may see your scores shift around a little bit, but this shouldn't affect rankings too much. At some point, we plan to give out some kind of prizes based on points; but the main motivation is just getting your name to the top of that list. Good luck everybody! Now: go take down exarkun! (Nota bene: since hackers like trying to find weaknesses in systems like this, let me say right up front that the scoreboard isn't particularly resilient to gaming. It operates on a presumption of good faith; we assume that all contributions are as good as they can be. If you violate this presumption and waste our time by generating bogus trac traffic, I can guarantee you won't like the results.)