On 24/05/2005, at 11:48 PM, Jp Calderone wrote:
On Tue, 24 May 2005 23:13:51 +1000, James Bunton <james@delx.cjb.net> wrote:
On 23/05/2005, at 11:23 PM, Jp Calderone wrote:
On Mon, 23 May 2005 22:08:43 +1000, James Bunton <james@delx.cjb.net> wrote:
Well, I got it to work properly now :)
It's now uses the epoll edge triggered flag, and doesn't chew 99% CPU like the first one accidentally did.
Neat. There has been a level-triggered epoll reactor in my sandbox for some time, but I was never able to get the edge triggered version to work.
Hmm, running the Twisted test suite with this version doesn't do too well either. A few tests fail here and there before it gets totally wedged on twisted.test.test_pb.ConnectionTestCase.testIdentityConnector.
You can try this yourself by adding an entry for this reactor to the dictionary at the top of twisted.application.app, then running "trial -R -r epoll twisted", where "epoll" is the key you add to that dict.
A lot of these seem to fail when using the 'poll' and reactor also. Broken tests or two broken reactors do you think?
But there are a few there I can fix. Thanks for the pointer :)
The poll reactor seems to be doing okay on the buildslave:
Maybe it's skipping some tests that are running on your machine?
Do you know how I can tell which tests are ok to skip? And how to skip them? The buildbot page didn't seem to say what tests were actually run, only the warnings that occurred. http://msn-transport.jabberstudio.org/tarballs/epoll-0.3.tar.gz That should do a little better with the tests. It still fails some, but they seem to be the same ones that poll fails also. --- James