Hi, Background: COIL is a configuration system for Twisted, allowing you to manage and configure your server via the web, developed by glyph. To test it out: $ mktap coil $ twistd -n -f coil.tap And point your browser at http://localhost:9080 In CVS, the coil system has been refactored, and now resides in twisted.coil. I feel that at this point it is now usable for configuring real apps. Real world use will help us find missing requirements and find issues and bugs. Examples of how to use it can be found in twisted.coil.plugins. Things that should really be coiled include cred, to the point that you can use coil to administrate users for manhole. t.mail is another candidate, and of course any servers based on twisted. If you are not using CVS Twisted, do not use coil - the interfaces have all been changed. You can still play around with it however, since it does work in the released code as well.