On 08:20 am, albert.brandl@weiermayer.com wrote:
On Thu, Feb 03, 2011 at 07:00:39PM -0000, exarkun@twistedmatrix.com wrote:
That probably makes sense, but first, does the endpoints string description plugin API help? You can provide IStreamServerEndpointStringParser (defined in twisted.internet.interfaces) plugins to extend the parser for those strings.
Actually, that's the way I implemented this. But I didn't find any hooks for extending the parser, so I manually inserted new items into endpoints._endpointServerFactories and endpoints._serverParsers and added the StringParser to endpoints.
Is there a better way? Could you provide me with a link to any documentation? I've already read the tutorial about creating plugins.
IStreamServerEndpointStringParser is the hook. I don't know of any documentation on its use, though. Perhaps twisted/internet/test/fakeendpoint.py will give you an idea of what to do, though (then, feel like writing the missing docs?). Jean-Paul