On Jun 30, 2017, at 1:29 PM, Oliver Palmer <oliverpalmer@opalmer.com> wrote:


So a long while back I volunteered to write a library to supply functions to replace pywin32 with a cffi backed implementation. Quite a bit of time has gone by since and about a year ago I closed the issue[0] where I was keeping track of the major functions, constants and structures I needed to implement to even consider replacing pywin32. 

With that issue closed pywincffi may be in a position where the conversion can start. Sadly however I don't have the time myself to invest in the effort because I have a couple of other projects that have shifted my priorities. If there's someone here who does have the time to invest in the conversion I'm happy to support their efforts wherever I can.

[0] https://github.com/opalmer/pywincffi/issues/69 


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Unfortunately that person is not me, but I dearly hope there is someone.
