On 04:21 pm, dynamicgl@gmail.com wrote:
Hi All
Hi Gelin, I don't have anything extra to add about the status of those two tickets (I think you meant #6373 rather than #6378, by the way) - which is exactly why I'm replying. Twisted development doesn't take place in secret. The issue tracker should always reflect the latest state of the development process. If an issue has had no comments and a branch no commits for a couple months, then it's almost certainly because no one has worked on the issue for a couple months. So you generally don't need to ask if there has been any progress, because progress will always be reflected in ticket history or in version control.
I am quite concerned about these two tickets due to recently I may port one of my systems to Ubuntu.
Perhaps you can help out with the tickets, then! As hopefully you've noticed, one of them is currently up for review. This means a developer believes a fix for the problem has been created and is just waiting for someone else to look it over and agree that it should be applied to trunk. If this happens, then the fix will be available in the next release of Twisted, 13.1.0, which will probably happen in just a few weeks. For more details about how the review process works, please take a look at this wiki page: http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/wiki/ReviewProcess Jean-Paul
By reading these comments, It looks like recent version of twisted may suffer from this problem. So what version of twisted should I use? Do I need to keep using 10.1?
I always use the latest version on windows.
gelin yan