On Mon, 2002-04-29 at 15:16, Tim Chase wrote:
Twisted folks,
Hi, Tim! [An eerie chorous of the Twisted minions' voices chants a beat later: "Hi, Tim!"]
I experimented briefly with twisted several months ago. After banging my head against the Zope wall for a while, I am back to twisted. One ray of hope in the Zope confusion was Zope Page Templates (ZPT). According to http://www.zopelabs.com/cookbook/998065931, ZPT can be used outside of Zope. I can kind of envision this, but I am not yet twisted enough. Is anyone already working on using Page Templates within a twisted web?
That was originally the plan. However (*nudge to dp here...*) none of us have had a good experience with ZPT yet, and very few of us have had experience with ZPT at all. If I had any major web projects coming up in the future, I'd probably implement it myself just to give it a try, but my work seems to be taking me down a decidedly non-web path for the time being. (And those web things I do wouldn't be sufficiently aided by ZPT to justify the effort.)
I also saw some mention of using WebWare as a presentation layer. Are there any examples of using WebWare with twisted web.
No. I've mostly decided against webware, since it has a rather naive worldview and I've been unimpressed with the software technically. My impression of the webware _project_ is that it's very well run; their documentation and support by *far* put Twisted to shame. However, that project is producing an application server I'm not too interested in. Donovan Preston has recently become the de-facto web guru for Twisted, and his work so far (twisted.web.domtemplate) I find fascinating; it seems to have most of the advantages of ZPT, but it is a lot simpler. I have even somehow managed to coerce him into writing a little bit of documentation, currently in CVS... Check that out and let me know if it solves your templating issues. -- | <`'> | Glyph Lefkowitz: Travelling Sorcerer | | < _/ > | Lead Developer, the Twisted project | | < ___/ > | http://www.twistedmatrix.com |