Hello, Working on apt-proxy v2 I got stuck trying to get the status of a subprocess: internet/default.py:76 signal.signal(signal.SIGCHLD, process.reapProcess) process.reapProcess will be called for every child that exists, which makes imposible to anyone to get the status. And actually makes useless calling 'reapProcess' from Process.maybeCallProcessEnded The patch allows objects to be registered to get the termination status of certain processes and changes process.Process to use it. I know that now the inline documentation gets outdated, I am willing to update it if you guys like the patch. Take care ranty -- --- Manuel Estrada Sainz <ranty@debian.org> <ranty@bigfoot.com> <ranty@users.sourceforge.net> ------------------------ <manuel.estrada@hispalinux.es> ------------------- God grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, courage to change the things we can, and wisdom to know the difference.